1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
-Bob [die dtg umah ak, pastu merungut pasal esemen ODE..terkekeh2 ak glakkan die…haha]
2. What were you doing at 0800?
mcm shida gak, dok bertesti dgn makcik tu…haha
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Pun sama, still bertesti jgk dgn makcik shida tu…ahaks
4. What happened to you in 2006?
I entered UPSI to further my study in degree..uhu
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
ish…bengang btol aku!! Internet slow gile!! Sape yang donlod ni????
6. What color is your hairbrush?
the orange colour one…u noe, the typical hairbrush…ala, yg old skool tu…haha
7. What was the last thing you paid for?
Uncang Teh Lipton untuk bsahur..haha
8. What’s the weather like today?
stakat pkul 8.30 ni, ok je…xtau la ptang2 ni camne kan…kne tgk weather casting dlu..haha..
9. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
sume pn best…asalkan name die aiskrem…nyum3…
10. What excites you?
ape ek?? I know!!! Cooking!!!
11. Do you want to cut your hair?
pendek lagi…nak raye nnt baru potong kot..
12. Are you over the age of 25?
blom lagi la pakcik…ohoho…
13. Do you talk a lot?
just with people I’m comfortable with…
14. Do you watch the O.C ?
A'ah cite ape tu???? --> copy ayat shida…ahaha
15. Do you know anyone named Steven?
steven Gerard?? ohoho
16. Are you a jealous person?
sgt kot…xtau camne nk control…haha…so, beware!!!
17. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ A ‘?
nk byk bleh?? Abby, adila, aisyah, [ naseb baik korg xde blog, kalo x, wajib ak tag korg gak..haha]
18. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ K ‘?
adoi…Khairul Faiz
19. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
it’s Uven…discuss about our group assignment.
20. What does the last text message your received say?
from Uven also..he said “ok, for the first method check your last equation, I get 2GM instead of 1. I need the bibliography as well for both including pages…” waa…uven, u r so teliti arr??? hoho
21. What was the last thing you ate?
cucur udang…mase sahur td…bob bawak…huhu
22. Will you get married in the future?
kalo ade jodoh, kawen la…mls nk fkir lg…ohoho
23. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
urmmm…xsempat kot nk tgk movie skang ni…kje bertimbun!!! Waaa…
24. Is there anyone you like right now?
urmm…let me be discrete about this..ya, there is someone, but don’t wanna think much about it…ohoho..
25. Are you currently depressed?
xde la sgt…tp sket2 tu ade la…
26. Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?
diorg ckp ak mcm brad pitt kot…haha…prasan..
27. What's your main ringtone on your phone?
just use the basic one..ringgg….ringggg,….like a desk phone..oho
28. What should you be doing right now?
tdo…utk simpan tnaga nk wat esemen…kononnye…haha
29. Why did you answer and post ni?
sebab shida had tagged me…I was forced to…ohoho..
30. Tag 5 people who would do this survey
sape lg ak nk tag ek….ok, I know…it is YOU!!! Ya, you who are reading this right now!!!
aq nk komen bab nih jugak..sama mc shida...
"13. Do you talk a lot?
just with people I’m comfortable with…"
yes..u talk a lot...esp with shida...ingat lgi tyme bru smpi stensen ketapi BM..n shida smpi+blanje minum...korg borak..haih...kami-kami yg lain duk jer diam mengantuk..zzzz
susah2....kawen jer...aq bolej jadi pengapit..hehehe
waaa.....ade ke smpai kesitu plak...ak rase xde la ak ckp byk sgt kot time tu...tp mmg ade la sket2 ak ckp...uhuhu...but whatever la...
akoo x takottt...
brani tag la akoo.,
ok..dgn rasminye ak tag ko wani...ape lg, jawab la...
17. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ A ‘?
nk byk bleh?? Abby, adila, aisyah, [ naseb baik korg xde blog, kalo x, wajib ak tag korg gak..haha]
haha...ade nm ak kt situh!!!
17. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘ A ‘?
nk byk bleh?? Abby, adila, aisyah, [ naseb baik korg xde blog, kalo x, wajib ak tag korg gak..haha]
my name was not included...... humph fido the dido mmg
eh...urs bukan start with z ke??? huhu...
mana der... aznita ahmad. double a lagi. both nama sy and ayah start dgn a. hah
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